Choose to be a warrior

Weekly exercise: "Choose to be a warrior"
This week every morning, we will remember for once in our lives, that we fought for what we believed in, that we didn't give up, and we followed our passion despite the difficulties. Let's take a few deep breaths and feel the sensation we have in our body as we remember that time.
Then we write in the diary, what was the exact moment when the fighter in us appeared, and what he exactly did and decided at the same time.
A few more details:
One of those moments in my life was teaming up with unit 669. We crawled in the sand and stones in circles for many minutes, and I felt like I was almost broken. At a certain point, a decision occurred to me that I was going to give 200% of myself. I became completely locked in, and a feeling of power took over me.
Some of us tend to forget our victories, the moments we were warriors. Instead, we are reminded of the moments we gave up on ourselves and surrendered to comfort or security. The purpose of this exercise is to reconnect with the moments when we were at our peak, our desire was strong, and we were powerful.
A warrior is a strong person that even when he loses a battle, he manages to stand himself up. He's not giving up, he understands that the war is long and it's okay to lose a few battles in the middle. The warrior gives of himself completely, and when he doesn't do it, he examines why and produces lessons for the next time.
Last week I attended a course on trauma in Spain. One of the most important things I realized there is that anyone recovering from trauma is a true warrior. No one can save you, only you, and that isn't guaranteed. A warrior will do all he can to heal. A warrior fights for his life, to live it to the fullest.
My grandma,
Grandma Magda, her memory to be blessed, was a true warrior.
She went through many difficulties in life, from Auschwitz extermination camp, the death of a horror, and then the death of her son.
She had all the reasons in the world to break down and give up, but she was a warrior. She loved her son and us grandchildren so much, and it gave her strength to choose life.
Let's strengthen this confidence in ourselves this week, the part that is not willing to bend to anyone. Our will to choose life.

This exercises, like all the other weekly exercises was created by Dror Weiss, Grinberg Method practitioner in Tel Aviv.
Grinberg Weekly Challenge


Teaching body attention to improve your well being!