Good morning - slap and caress

Weekly exercise: "Good morning - slap and caress"
This is a pretty intense exercise. Whoever fears, better not perform it.
This week, every morning straight when we wake up we will do a few things.
1. Let’s take 10 quick deep breaths.
2. Then, when the air is inside the lungs, we hold our breath for about 20 seconds, and then release the air.
3. In the next stage, we'll take 20 slow breaths and count them from one to twenty. During this time we will focus on one of the area with symptoms - (shingles, spine or cartilage, nape)
We choose where there is the most pain or tension because it demands our attention anyway. Let go of the body, and we will feel completely the area we have chosen.
We won't try to fix it or make the pain go away, we won't run to imaginations or thoughts. We won't be excited about another exciting one that tempts us so much and "demands" attention. We will not fall asleep. Just count to 20, breathe and feel... And that’s it.
A few more thoughts on the exercise.
I chose this exercise because I want to try more ways to help me wake up in the morning better. I believe more people are experiencing similar things and could benefit from this exercise. The inspiration for the exercise came from the breathing exercises of "Wim Hof" the Iceman.
Occasionally (much less than once) in the mornings I am in a kind of deep haze: thoughts running uncontrollably, negative emotions, shortness of breath, backache and numbness of the body.
I thought that what could help me get out of this fog, is some kind of market or "market therapy". The quick and deep breaths, and the holding of breath are like a market for the body. The aim of the market is to slap us when we wake up.
Next stage comes the caressing: these are the 20 slow breaths with full attention in the selected area. I have a feeling the primary market will help us keep our attention in the second half. This is the idea: start with something intense, hard, fast, loud... And move on to something slow, present, quiet and lasting.
The idea is to go to one end and then release, and then go to the other end. Like a hammock or a swing. Playing with the dualities of the edges: the black and white, right and no, inside and out, fast and slow.
I find it very intriguing to try to combine them, and use this combination to deal with situations of daily dissatisfaction. To turn a spiritual principle into practice.
This exercise is another such experiment.
I invite you to join the exercise
And tell me how it went for you, and what you found out!
Best of luck
Grinberg Weekly Challenge


Teaching body attention to improve your well being!