I have started my professional career as physiotherapist in 2002.
Right after my diploma, I attended a psychosomatic school for 4 years and other different kind of courses mainly in order to learn manual therapy and energetic healing.
From what I learned in those courses and through the experience of my own life, I already knew that there was something deeper connected with the pain and the trauma that people asked me to heal.
So, I tried to combine and show the link between the physical symptoms in the body and the mind, the life and also the spirit of my clients while I was working with them.
In the meanwhile I was becoming aware that I was not so powerful to really heal a person.
Only the body of the person who was asking for healing could really have this power and do a magic.
Therefore, I was learning many techniques to adapt to every single patient and give my best to them, but I was not getting to the point.
I was really frustrated because after 10 years investing a lot of energy, time, money in order to learn many things, I still didn't know how to make the magic happen, and I was not even imaging that this could be possible through a single methodology.
In 2011 I met the Grinberg Method® and I immediately understood that I finally found what I was looking for!!!
In the same week I had my first session as client, I also subscribed for the school to become a practitioner.
In 2016 I got my diploma as practitioner of the Grinberg Method® with all my happiness and the deep wish to learn this methodology for the rest of my life.
In the same year, I started to go to Austria every three months for other three years to be tutor in another cycle of studies where Avi Grinberg in person was teaching to new students how to learn this profession!
From that moment until now I attended advanced courses with Avi Grinberg and his partner Ruth Elkana:
Recovery course specific for physical symptoms, Earth course, Water course, Air course, Recovery from traumas (like abuse in childhood), Trainer course aim to learn how to lead a group of people, Movement into Power with Avi and Yaron Benyamini, martial art world champion.
I'm also a sMove! trainer, another way to stop our patterns, through the movement and the music, in group and having fun!
I guide sMove! workshops in Italy (Milan), Holland (Nijmegen) and in Germany (Kassel) for some weekends during the year.
I hope you will decide to try soon a session of the Grinberg Method® and learn how to gain whatever you want in life!
My best wishes,